Kelly David is exploring the Earth, and discovering that it is far bigger than he imagined. The release Meditation in Green (58'03") allows us to project ourselves into his luxurious, long-view. Those open to the seduction of electronic drama and its beautiful symbolism will be substantially rewarded. Utilizing a variety of pristine field recordings, and layering them with gentle percussion and evocative synthesizer surfaces Kelly David produces passages of mystic bliss - where reverberant chords move like slow clouds on the horizon and glowing tones flex and fade off into a buzz of jungle. From ethno-grooves to Fourth World dreamscapes, the arc of this fantasy for synths, samplers and landscapes recedes and expands as the music flows across a leafy, watery and often intense sonic terrain. Some tracks add a ceremonial rhythmic propulsion, but we will recognize that most of Meditation in Green is pushing slowly through a dreamy, verdant realm. This work's series of seven interludes build tension through minimal means, driving one to consider the larger questions of what it is to be alive. The listening experience is sensuous enough to become lost in, but so vivid that we might encounter ourselves somewhere along our travels. In its textured roar, wilderness sounds, ethereal atmospheres and thunder claps we find an escape from the broken world. The screens of our modern times offer so much to look at, from the trivial to the sublime. Yet, Meditation in Green proves to be a more vivid experience than any random feed could possibly offer. To give his perspective on the world and its ancient governing powers this artist's vision reaches us through the act of listening, to be interpreted within the theater of the mind.
Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END - 17 October 2019