"Star's End" 1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning Playlist for June 6th, 1999 88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD Host: Chuck van Zyl ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) 1:00am Ron Boots Sleepless Motions Soundscape Gallery 3 va (lektronic soundscapes) James Johnson Closure Weightless Effortless va (hypnos) Deborah Martin One Sun Deep Roots Hidden Water (spotted peccary) St Pelillo Reimpressions Boredom Is Deep+Mysterious 3 va (april) Al Gromwer Khan The Samarkand Run Space Hotel (new earth) Red Shift Manic Down Time (champagne lake) Bjorn Fogelberg Trioxidation Karooshi Porn (ninetysix sounds) Meg Bowles Night Sun Journey From The Dark Earth (kumatone) J Plotkin/B Gutzeit Wires Mosquito Dreams (kranky) 2:00am Jean Michel Jarre 1 - 3 Oxegene (polydor) Robert Rich Part 2 Inner Landscapes (hypnos) Markus Reuter Containment Containment Vidna Obmana Encountering Terrain Crossing The Trail (hypnos) Tajima Tadashi San'An Master of Shakuhachi (world network) 3:00am Earthstar Latin Sirens Face the Wall French Skyline (mi) Spyra Monotonous Stereo Part II Etherlands (fax) Michael Stearns The Reflecting Heart Floating Whispers (groove) Labradford pre-release E Luxo So (kranky) Richard Bone untitled Coxa (quirkworks) 4:00am Laocoon Molecular Streams Immersion (parnassus nump) Kit Watkins Tone 6 Thought Tones 2 (linden) Yatri Highland Muse Crystal Spirit (crystal) Philip Glass Bed Einstein on the Beach (tomato) David Sylvian Darkest Dreaming Dead Bees on a Cake (virgin) Djivan Gasparyan Kele Lao Heavenly Duduck (world network) Popol Vuh Brothers of Darkness Sons of Light Tantric Songs (celestial harmonies) 5:00am Eberhard Schoener Mountain Music Sky Music/Mountain Music (kuckuck )The Tunnel Singer Woman Song Inner Runes Tara Vanflower Gatacliptic A Cat Shaped Hole In My Heart va (projekt) John Tavener Song of the Angel Eternity's Sunrise (harmonia mundi) Dogon Reza's Dream.The Seer Mix Redunjusta (new dog) Bertrand Nadel Hoodoos Mohave (spotted peccary) Brian Eno Becalmed Another Green World (eg) 6:00am http://www.starsend.org