This Program Was Originally Aired On May 11th, 1997 STAR'S END 1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning Playlist for August 30th, 1998 88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD Host: Chuck van Zyl ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) 1:00am Tuu Migration Mesh (fathom) Mo Boma The Crystal World Myths Of The Near Future 3 (extreme) S Roach/Vidna Obmana AscensionForProtection Cavern Of Sirens (projekt) KetilBjornstad/DDarling Part II The River (ecm) IC1 Noval Northern Circuits (interchill) Red Shift Blue Shift Red Shift (champagne lake) 2:00am Robert Rich TheOtherSideOfTwilight Numena/Geometry (fathom) Thomas Ronkin The Circular Ruins Within; Distance (tristissima) BondBergland&TheBrain Anderson,IN/Chicago,IL Cluster Live (purple pyramid) Phil Thornton ArrivalOfThe.Encounter.BlueLight Alien Encounter (new world) 3:00am Syndromeda Beyond The Horizon Of The Mind Mind Trips (cue) Alpha Wave Mvt The Edge Of Infinity The Edge Of Infinity (cue) Gordon Minette The Eden Aspect The Eden Aspect (poteet) Transambient Communic Moonmen (Intro) Moonmen (3rd stone) Human Mesh Dance Tracing CloudWatch va (sonic soul) van Zyl Saturn IV CloudWatch va (sonic soul) Spacetime Continuum Pressure CloudWatch va (sonic soul) 4:00am Mystical Sun Astral Dreams Primordial Atmospheres (n/l) James Asher Dawn at Dev-Aura Dance of the Light (new earth) Kay Gardner Jungle Moon The Drone Zone (relaxation company) 5:00am R Rich/Alio Die TurningToSt.CanopyOfSh.Sirena Fissures (fathom) ChoyingDrolma/Tibbetts Shengshil Pema Jungney Cho (hannibal) Kenneth Newby Luna.HoweSound.Fathom Sirens (city of tribes) Marta Sebestyen Fuvom Azenkem Muzsikas (hannibal) Al Gromer Khan Dance of the Hadra Space Hotel (new earth) Coyote Oldman A Splendid Sky In Beauty I Walk (hearts of space) 6:00am
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