STAR'S END 1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for October 11th, 1998
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Spyra                   Le Chant Des Fleurs     My Little Garden Of Sounds
Ian Boddy/Ron Boots     Gross Misconduct        Four, The Truth va (groove)
Vidna Obmana            Forest Arrow            Crossing The Trail (projekt)
David Tollefson      New Eyes On The Universe   New Eyes On The Universe (hypnos)
Boards Of Canada        Open The Light          Music Has The Right To Have Children (matador)
The Irresistible Force  The Lie In King         It's Tomorrow Already (ninjatune
Zero One                Waken                   Zero One (waveform)
Johannes Schmoelling    The Wedding Cake        Zoo Of Tranquility (erdenklang)
Alpha                   Over                    Pepper (melankolic)

Spectral Voices         Coalescense             Coalescense (spectral spiral)
Robert Rich             Dissolve.Lapis          Seven Veils (hearts of space)
Tibbetts/Choyung Drouma Shenshik Pema Jungney   Cho (hannibal)
Firmament               Transient Sun           Open Eyed Ascension (velvet empire)

Steve Roach             Slow Heat               Slow Heat (timeroom edtns)

Riley Lee               Hinode                  Oriental Sunrise (enso)
John Cage               Five                    Litany For The Whale (harmonia mundi)
Spool                   Y.3                     Spool (newdog)
Ernesto Diaz-Infante    As Above, So Below      Tepeu (pax)

Markus Reuter    DreamsDroppingBackIntoTheSea   Taster
J Arif Verner           8-11                    A Vision Beyond Light (spotted peccary)
Dean Evenson            11-13                   Forest Rain (soundings of the planet)
Divination              Reflection              Sacrifice (meta)


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