Don C Tyler & Chris Bryant recognize the dimensions of their inner lives. As Ascendant this duo dares to bring forth new tones and zones from their churning creative center - to share with others of their kind the cosmic yearning and existential turning of life on our Earth. The companions Astral Ascendant (52:32) and Starfall (51:16) touch the most vibrant parts of our imagination. Each presenting six tracks of aural urgency and motive force pulsing motor tones echo out in tight formations. As neatly raised patterns arrange themselves comfortably throughout the listening area the sustained acceleration of this work reveals an expansive nature. Circling around core chords in spiraling sequencer orbits both Astral Ascendant and Starfall encourage the listener to thoughtfully follow the music in all its unfolding detail. Powered by a machine pattern precision this pair of releases sweeps softly in euphonic electronic dreams. Ascending the neural pathways Tyler & Bryant provide an aural energy in the language of electricity. Sound has no center. Unlike vision, sound wraps around you, comes and goes, is fleeting - like the mixed frequencies of the stars singing together. The thoughts of the heart, the pulsing of the brain, the emerging of the spirit - a world that cannot hear itself think is in trouble. These two ambitious albums hope to somehow reveal the majesty of the outer planets right here on the surface of ours.
- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END 2 May 2024 |