Artist: Evan Bartholomew
Album: Caverns of Time

Released: November 2007
Label: Somnia Sound

Caverns of Time
Evan Bartholomew seeks an elite audience. His work represents a vast range of expression through which smart listeners will follow. Widely known as the techno artist Bluetech, as well as by way of the wonderfully detailed Borderlands CD, Bartholomew stretches out even further with Caverns of Time (72'03") - creating a sonic vocabulary drawn directly from his personal memories and experiences. Considered by some his "drone" work, Caverns of Time radiates a calming atmosphere as hypnotic waves of sound build and recede. The six pieces move fluidly across the gentle arc of existence, yet are quite detailed in their architecture. This release is all about nuance and the many moods this artist needs to convey. Throughout the disc choir-like pads emerge and breathe, the delicate sound of running water moves steadily beneath slow echoing tone droplets and full-throated syth melodies wander around the room. The heady track titles may prompt introspection, but better the music acts as guide to an inner destination.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   27 December 2007

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