Artist: Rudy Adrian
Album: Desert Realms

Released: 14 October 2008
Label: Lotuspike

Desert Realms Rudy Adrian
His acclaimed live performances and the ever-ascending quality of his recorded works have made Rudy Adrian one of the most distinctive voices in the ethereal music genre. His talent is in picking just the right sounds, arranging them in unique combinations and rolling it all out in an always-engaging collage of music and atmosphere. This process stems from personal experience or inspiration, as on his CD Desert Realms (69'28"). The nine tracks are each an electronic expression of his beloved rugged desert landscapes, and the connection we as humans feel toward the natural world. The first few tracks feature tones played on native flute or originating from Rudy Adrian's own atmospheric vocals - mixed amidst hushed synth pads and ceremonial bells. The synthetic and acoustic textures go together very well and result in compositions that feel transcendent yet tethered to earth. Throughout Desert Realms harmony and timbre mutually reinforce each other. Faint chimes cast above luminescent chords provide a slow contemplative pace while reverberant strings (as if breathing) shift from dark keys to light. The experience is quiet and beautiful, like that of Spacemusic classics by Jonn Serrie, Michael Stearns and Kit Watkins. Most times consoling, but occasionally questioning, Desert Realms is a nuanced journey into both sonic and terrestrial landscapes.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   6 November 2008

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