Artist: Hollan Holmes
Album: Emerald Waters

Label: Spotted Peccary
Released: 14 January 2022

Emerald Waters Hollan Holmes
Hollan Holmes adds aural energy to the transferral of ideas. His album Emerald Waters (74'35") is an enthralling space of the imagination, and draws one to the play and shades of their own interior. Across 11 tracks the dance of tones up, down and through their scales maintains a unique buoyancy. In striding calibration the lines of synchronized sequencer pulse twist and turn, rise and fall, lighten and darken. Though it progresses firmly forward, then may suddenly change course, Emerald Waters is always heading assuredly toward its destination. In the kaleidoscopic electronic advance of lustrous chord banks harmony resolves in vibrant wisps of sound. Echoing runs ring out into a light filled space, but then the sonic setting shifts. In the headlong drive of spiraling, gliding notes the motor-motion follows a curving arc of restless invention. The spinning energized masses build larger cycles from smaller ones - further deepening the mysterious mood. Yet, while engine-room patterns may thicken and lighten, each charged, twinkling arrangement faithfully greets us brightly. The current Holmes is drifting with provides plenty of opportunities for exploration. Call it "dream fuel" or "head music", his works are dependably listenable, and aspire to move the listening mind in the best way possible.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   20 January 2022

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