Artist: Chronotope Project
Album: Gnosis

Released: 20 August 2021
Label: Spotted Peccary

Gnosis Jeffrey Ericson Allen
Chronotope Project has released yet another striking work. All warmth and rounded edges Gnosis (52'18") is Jeffrey Ericson Allen's ninth album (his fifth for Spotted Peccary) and truly honors his complexity as a creator. Achieving an impressive declarative power he realizes a splendid work somewhere between the sybaritism of New Age and the sonic explorations of Spacemusic. Utilizing the expressive potential of this style, the shape of each piece offers a slightly different arc upon which the listener travels. From darkly resonant to dreamy and light, fine textures sooth - while further in tenebrous timbres question. Ethereal synth strings thicken the atmosphere - unfolding easily in the dreamy brilliance of shifting chord progressions. Yet with motorik vigor and formal control the tightly patterned pulses that traverse Gnosis induce distances of thought. Building tension with a subtle heightening of tone and darkening of mood, these six tracks occasionally acknowledge desolation, but overall the sonic spirit remains quite optimistic. With an intense intimacy confessional scenes expand into quiet softness. Animated by the power of melody the well-crafted tones found throughout Gnosis devour immovable static durations. It is in the generation of these bewitching melodies that we get a sense of both moment and motion. As this music approaches the future, and whatever is just beyond the limits, listeners conclude their experience nourished by this musician's vision and hope, in a beautiful echoing of the essence of the artist.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   25 August 2021

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