Artist: Alluste
Album: In the Deep Blue

Released: 15 October 2019
Label: self-released

In the Deep Blue
Alluste performs with a grace and force that is rare even among more seasoned players. With each new release Piero Monachello envisions new thoughts and ideas, then makes music which we may listen to, and so better know his beliefs. The album In the Deep Blue (70'24") unfolds in the fast-moving, unerring style of his previous works. With its neat beats and pulsing sequencer patterns the nine tracks lead us to an elaborate sonic dreamland. The tick-tock of these most wonderful clockwork compositions flows across a fascinating range of textures and moods. In a staircase of clouds the haze of a cosmic choir overtakes rising synth leads while ethereal string chords thicken the atmosphere. Each piece develops incrementally, steadily advancing and expanding. The bright spots are incandescent, fairly vibrating with new energy, while further in wandering explorations of harmony, melody and rhythm provoke a range of reactions. A work of surprising effect In the Deep Blue will take us into the deep forever, and far beyond tomorrow.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   5 December 2019

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