David Parsons sweeps the listener out of this world into one where the composer rules absolutely. Often associated with New Age, his albums offer far more than this genre's ornamental mood music. The natural audience for his CD Jyoti (61'02") are those interested in an atmosphere somewhere between the kinetic flow of a ceremonial dance and the serenity of monastic contemplation. Choosing primitive sounding tones his rhythms gain steady momentum. The sound of clicking sticks, chiming metals and tapping wooden blocks intertwine in time amidst swirling modulations and vaporous synthesizer textures. These absorbing and seductive pieces stand well beside Parsons' smoother floating works. Here he slows down the pace of the album, creating more light than heat. These more reflective zones are meant to provide a state within which secret webs of knowledge may be revealed. Although Parsons moves easily from one mood to the next, he never loses his sense of direction. The logic of Parson's compositions cannot be understood at a glance. In this album, as well as throughout his entire career, we observe a musically unique path. From haunting meditations to mystical rituals, Jyoti offers a fascinating look into the corners of this musical mind.
- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END 10 December 2009 |