Artist: Keaton Henson
Album: Somnambulant Cycles

Released: 31 May 2024
Label: MercuryKX

Somnambulant Cycles Keaton Henson
With Somnambulant Cycles (49:36) Keaton Henson has created an album, or possibly a condition. Connecting us with a state of being where unity is the norm this thoughtfully considered release unfolds with such calm assurance and artistry that it conveys a kind of wistful, if uncomprehending assent. The 14 tracks seem to each flicker into and then out of existence, leaving listeners in better possession of their own thoughts and moods - the digital detritus in our brains completely swept away. As this music transcends its point of origin and travels out to the giftee it opens a rare space for peace, thought and warmth. The combination of vague classical influences with weightless ambience conjures up a safe zone - a realm where notes always stay the same but meaning is ever changing. Centered around Henson's enlightened piano playing Somnambulant Cycles conveys a truth that speaks with remarkable weight. Blended with refined electronics, strings, horns and voice each remarkable composition conveys a array of captivating moods and airs. From its vulnerable solemnity and faint opposing twilights to consonant glimpses of intimacy and harmony Somnambulant Cycles is a human creation best attended while just quietly thinking or listening, simply absorbing the world around us.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   27 June 2024

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