Jeff Greinke realizes works inspired by something outside of music. The intricacies of climate, weather and time mimic the feelings he carries within. His CD Virga (55'36") strives to give musical form to the sensation evoked by our planet's atmospheric activities. Applying a classicist form to his succinctly brief works Greinke produces 12 formal, fully composed and arranged Electro-ambient chamber music pieces. The listener's grasp on time weakens as in the span of a few minutes untold hours may seem to pass. The sound is sometimes airy, but never air-headed as the majority of the tracks posses a somber, elegiac sense. Greinke even references a few pieces from an earlier CD Soundtracks. With synthesizers alongside mellow trumpet and cello lines, Virga's classical influences lead the music toward territory inhabited by the likes of Harold Budd, Tim Story and K Leimer. With no exaggerated expressive effects, Greinke follows his contemporaries in simplicity, restraint, dignity, proportion and interest in form. Grenike is an artist working to engage us with our deepest emotions. His music unites us with one another - as not only are we connected to this music but connected by it.
- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END 29 October 2009 |