STAR'S END  1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for January 30th, 2000
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Klaus Schulze           In Cosa Crede Chinon... Trailer (serie poeme)
Dino Pacifici           Hallowed Ground         Hallowed Ground (dance plant)
Peter Benisch           Part I                  Waiting For Snow (fax)
Taylor Dupree           Gen.Sec                 Ambient Systems ltd ed (instinct)
Vir Unis            Solar Plexus.Neuron Lights  The Drift Inside (green house)
Jochem Paap             Trmml-Dx                Vrs Mbnt Pcs 95981 (fax)
Pan American            Double Rail             360 Business 360 Bypass (kranky)

Vidna Obmana            Euphoric Bliss          Convergent Evolution (greenhouse)
Star's of the Lid       The Atomium             Avec Laudenum (subrosa)
Ligtwave                Cantus Umbrarum         NAV CD Sampler va
Rudy Adrian             Return to Fire Island   Twilight
Kit Watkins             Tone 6                  Thought Tones vol 2 (linden)

Cosmic Hoffman          The Gate of Lahore Pt 2 Beyond the Galaxy (heart + mind)
Steve Hug               Organics                Organics (manikin)
Giles Reaves            Sowelu                  Wunjo (mca)
Spool                   Tuesday                 Echoes L R C 5 (echodisc)
Sheila Chandra          Not Weaving, Droning    EEP2 (indipop)
Labradford              track 4                 E Luxo So (kranky)
Stephen Scott           Resonant Resources      NewMusicForBowedPiano(new albion)

Martin & Scott          tracks 6 - 8            Ancient Runes (nightengale)
David Parsons           Whirling Into The Night Shaman (celestial harmonies)
Phil Thornton           tracks 1 - 5            Alien Encounter (new world)
John Flomer             Ori Arian            Night In The Vapor... (spotted peccary

Benson/Scarborough      Alice Waits             Benson/Scarborough
Jean Pierre Saccomani   Winter                  The Four Seasons (mcp)
Danna/Clement    To The Land Beneath The Waves  The Best of... (mirage)
Brian Eno               excerpt                 Thursday Afternoon (opal)


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