STAR'S END  1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for 12 September 2004
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH HarrisburgPA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD
Host: Chuck van Zyl  Phoneroom: Jeff Towne

* S p e c i a l   F u n d r a i s e r   B r o a d c a s t *

[denotes use as voiceover track]

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Air Sculpture           Tripel (excerpt)        Quark Soup (neu harmony)
Terra Ambient          [Serpent and Stone]      The Gate (lotuspike)
Klaus Schulze           Friedrich Nietsche      X (magnum)

Ian Boddy              [Gravity Well]           Aurora (DiN)
Ian Boddy               Ecliptic                Aurora (DiN)
Ian Boddy              [Vox Lumina]             Aurora (DiN)
Under the Dome          Espresso Shake          Over the Pond (cochlear vision)
Under the Dome          White Dog               Over the Pond (cochlear vision)
Under the Dome          Title 10                Over the Pond (cochlear vision)
Under the Dome         [Beast in the Cellar]    Over the Pond (cochlear vision)
Radio Massacre Int'l    Nov(embers) (excerpt)   Solid States (northern echo)

Lanterna                Clear Blue              Highways (badman)
       * Live on-air telephone interview w/Henry Frayne, aka Lanterna *
Lanterna               [Dog Days]               Elm Street (badman)
Lanterna               [Highways]               Highways (badman)
Steve Roach             Towards the Dream       Dreamtime Return (fortuna)
Heldon               In The Wake of King Fripp  Allez Teia (cuneiform)
Jeffrey Koepper [Between Dreams.Distant Light]  Etherea (air + space)
Helios                  Velios                  Unomia (merck)

Tangerine Dream         Part I                  Rubycon (virgin)
Various                [Nipton Meditation]      Mojave 2003
Jeff Greinke            5000 Falling Souls      Soundtracks (first world)
Global Communication    12'18"                  76'14" (dedicated)
Eberhard Schoener       Mountain Music          Musique Mechanique

Eberhard Schoener      [Mountain Music (con't)] Musique Mechanique
Mr Projectile           Underneath the Evening  Sinking (merck)
H Budd/H Zazou      And Then She Stepped Aside  Glyph (made to measure)
Principle of Silence   [excerpt]                Live
Erik Wollo              Totem                   Traces (badlands)
Terra Ambient          [Majoun]                 The Gate (lotuspike)


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