STAR'S END 1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning Playlist for 17 September 2006 88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH HarrisburgPA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD Host: Chuck van Zyl ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) 1:00am Node Olivine Node (deviant) Drax From a Mad Experiance Lost in Infinity (labworks) Radio Massacre Int'l - Seven Sceptres for Sephulcrave - Septrional (DiN) Klaus Schulze Totem Picture Music (magnum) 2:00am Redshift Redshift Redshift Ashra Nightdust New Age of Earth (virgin) Earthstar Latin Sirens Face the Wall French Skyline (mi records) 3:00am Free System Projekt - live on STAR'S END 10.14.01 - unreleased Arc Arc - Angel Radio Sputnik (DiN) Tangerine Dream Part II Rubycon (virgin) 4:00am Brendan Pollard Tegula Expansion (acoustic wave) Michael Hoenig Departure from the Northern Wasteland (kuckuck) Edgar Froese Epsilon in Malaysian Pale Epsilon in Malaysian Pale 5:00am Ian Boddy Never Forever Elemental (DiN) Adelbert von Deyen Part II Atmospheres (sky) Robert Schroder Harmonic Ascendant Harmonic Ascendant (ic) Paul Ellis The Unveiling Moment The Infinity Room (groove) 6:00am
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