STAR'S END  1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for 17 September 2017
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia|99.7fmWXPH HarrisburgPA|90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD|
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                           ALBUM (label)

Secondface              Transformation                  Transitions (gterma)
Fourth Dimension        Halo                            The Perfect Form (synphaera)
K Markov                Seite A                         Plattenspieler (self-released)
Lowercase Noises       tracks 7 8                       The Swiss Illness (bc media)

Hotel Neon - Live to Air In-Studio Radio Concert 09.17.17 - unreleased

Howard Givens/Craig Padilla - Clearing the Mind         Being of Light (spotted peccary)
Chronotope Project      Mariposa                        Ovum (spotted peccary)
Erik Wollo              Venture I                       Cinematic (projekt)
The Greatest Hoax       Just Passing Through            Expiration (serein)
Quaesching/Schnauss     Thirst                          Synthwaves (azure vista records)
Javi Canovas            An Daorach Mhor                 One More Day, One Day Less (self-released)

['ramp]                 Godzilla                        Synchronize or Die (doombient)
Richard Wahnfried       Miditaction                     Miditation (ic)
Hotel Neon              7:42AM                          Context (fluid audio)

Stephan Micus           Dawn                            Inland Sea (ecm)
Robert Rich             Telomere                        Live at The Gatherings 2015 (industry8)
Neuronium               Ephymera                        Lyseric Dream (neuronium records)
Saafi Brothers          Summer Travel                   The Quality of Being One (liquid sound design)
Germind                 Flows                           Flows (synphaera)
Staer                   Feynman Diagram                 Syzygy (self-released)
Fhloston Paradigm       Glow                            After... (kingbrittarchives)
Marconi Union           Riser (Digitonal Remix)         Ghost Stations Remixes (just music)
Sonogram              Your Fingerprints Are Leaving Me  Telescopic (simulacra)


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