STAR'S END  1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for 9 October 2005
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH HarrisburgPA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Dean De Benedictis - Sweltering Gazes of Sonora - Salvaging the Past
Paul Ellis              Silent Conversations    Silent Conversations (groove)
Lammergeyer             We All Fall Down        Borders & Barrens (dataobscura)
Markus Guentner - Wenn Musik der Liebe Mahrung Ist - 1981 (kompakt)
Orbital Decay - excerpt live on STAR'S END 17 August 2001

Robert Rich/Ian Boddy   tracks 6 7 8 9 10       Outpost (DiN)
Ron Berry               Spectre of the Ruin     Wastelands
Tangerine Dream - 3am at the Border of the...   Stratosfear (virgin)
Bruno Sanfilippo        Visualia III            Anthology (neuronium)

IXOHOXI                 Flourescent Diffusion   Micronicom
Chris Bocast            track 13                Through the Airlock
Peter Challoner         Formation Four          Abstract Ambient Forms
Vic Hennegan            Gaya                    Desert God (space for music)
Jonn Serrie            On a Frontier of Fables  Planetary Chronicles vol II

Blamstrain              Spring Summer           Aurora 2 (merck)
Rumforskning            Veagtles.Lysar          Fremtiden (dataobscura)
Kettel                  tracks 1 - 10           Volleyed Iron (u-cover)

Ashley/Story            Chicken Pot Pie         Standing + Falling (nepenthe)
Dwight Ashley           Belle Street            unreleased
Tim Story - Always the Same Dream.Hidden Country - Caravan (nepenthe)
Jeff Pearce             Gentle Lessons          Lingering Light
H Budd/R Gutherie       The Discovery           Mysterious Skin (commotion)
Paul Avgerinos          Dawn of the Gods        Maya (round sky)


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