STAR'S END 1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning Playlist for 9 October 2005 88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH HarrisburgPA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD Host: Chuck van Zyl ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) 1:00am Dean De Benedictis - Sweltering Gazes of Sonora - Salvaging the Past Paul Ellis Silent Conversations Silent Conversations (groove) Lammergeyer We All Fall Down Borders & Barrens (dataobscura) Markus Guentner - Wenn Musik der Liebe Mahrung Ist - 1981 (kompakt) Orbital Decay - excerpt live on STAR'S END 17 August 2001 2:00am Robert Rich/Ian Boddy tracks 6 7 8 9 10 Outpost (DiN) Ron Berry Spectre of the Ruin Wastelands Tangerine Dream - 3am at the Border of the... Stratosfear (virgin) Bruno Sanfilippo Visualia III Anthology (neuronium) 3:00am IXOHOXI Flourescent Diffusion Micronicom Chris Bocast track 13 Through the Airlock Peter Challoner Formation Four Abstract Ambient Forms Vic Hennegan Gaya Desert God (space for music) Jonn Serrie On a Frontier of Fables Planetary Chronicles vol II 4:00am Blamstrain Spring Summer Aurora 2 (merck) Rumforskning Veagtles.Lysar Fremtiden (dataobscura) Kettel tracks 1 - 10 Volleyed Iron (u-cover) 5:00am Ashley/Story Chicken Pot Pie Standing + Falling (nepenthe) Dwight Ashley Belle Street unreleased Tim Story - Always the Same Dream.Hidden Country - Caravan (nepenthe) Jeff Pearce Gentle Lessons Lingering Light H Budd/R Gutherie The Discovery Mysterious Skin (commotion) Paul Avgerinos Dawn of the Gods Maya (round sky) 6:00am
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