STAR'S END  1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for 23 October 2005
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH HarrisburgPA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Orbital Decay - excerpt live on STAR'S END 31 October 2004
Paul Ellis              Trillium                Silent Conversations (groove)
Dean De Benedictis       The Tech Atonement...  Salvaging the Past
Lammergeyer             Rainflower              Borders & Barrens (dataobscura)
Robert Rich             Minarette.Mosaic        Gaudi (hearts of space)
Daniel Lanois           Todos Santos            Belladonna

Jeff Pearce             Everything in Time      Lingering Light
C Padilla/Zero Ohms     tracks 1 2 3 4          Path of Least Resistance
G Emmens/R Heij - Conspiracy of Two Forces - Blind Watchers of a Vanishing Night
Deltef Keller           Nomina Sunt Odiosa      Keller Schonwalder & Friends

S Roach/Vidna Obmana    excerpt                 Somewhere Else (projekt)
Chris Bocast            track 13 (untitled)     Through the Airlock
Brian McBride     The Guilt of Uncomplicated... When the Detail Lost Its Freedom
Stars of the Lid        A Lovesong              The Tired Sounds of... (kranky)

Kettel                  tracks 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Volleyed Iron (u-cover)
Rumforskining           Rumtid (haendeisc 1)    Fremtiden (dataobscura)
Trio Mediaeval          O Maria Stella Maris    Stella Maris (ecm)
Windy and Carl          The Eternal Struggle    The Dream House (kranky)

Steve Roach             Towards the Dream       Dreamtime Return (projekt)
Kevin Braheny           Knowledge and Dust      Desert Solitaire (fortuna)
Richard Burmer          A Story From the Rain   Western Spaces (ic)
Thom Brennan            Green River Passage     Mountains (rubicon)
Michael Stearns         Return                  Lyra (groove)
Robert Rich             Spirit Catcher          Propagation (hearts of space)
David Parsons           Ram Bhakta              Yatra (fortuna)
Kit Watkins             Canopy                  SunStruck (ic)


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