STAR'S END  1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for 13 November 2005
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH HarrisburgPA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/BaltimoreMD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Ashley/Story            Standing + Falling      Standing + Falling (nepenthe)
Boards of Canada   Tears From the Compound Eye  The Campfire Headphase (warp)
Erik Wollo              Lakeside.Sequenza       Silver Beach (margen)
G Emmens/R Heij - Moments of Unexpected... - Blind Watchers of a Vanishing Night
M Coldrick/M Hillier    Air                     Elemental Journey
Bruno Sanfilippo        Visualia V              Anthology (neuronium)

Brendan Pollard         Tegula                  Expansion (acoustic wave)
Tangerine Dream         Part Two                Ricochet (virgin)
Harold Budd   Balthus Bemused by Color (Mix 2)  Music For Films III
Steve Kornicki     Altered Orchestra #2 - Orchestral Conceptual and Ensemble Music
Tim Story               So Near the Clouds      Caravan (nepenthe)

Saul Stokes             Fields                  Fields (hypnos)
Robert Rich/Ian Boddy   tracks 1 2 3 4 5 6      Lithosphere (DiN)
The Enid                Reverberations         In the Region of the Summer Stars
Dwight Ashley           Eightfold Way           Discrete Carbon (nepenthe)

C Padilla/Skip Murphy   Night Two               Planetary Elements v.2 (sfm)
Ken Martin              Spheres                 Spheres (sfm)
Neal Merrick            What Magic is Made      Magic Traveler (sfm)

Ashley/Story            Drop                    Drop (nepenthe)
Cluster                 excerpt                 Grosses Wasser (gyroscope)
Trio Mediaeval          Angus Dei               Stella Maris (ecm)
Paul Ellis              Silent Conversations    Silent Conversations (groove)
Dean De Benedictis      Grid Holy 4             Salvaging the Past
C Padilla/Zero Ohms     Frequencies.The One     Path of Least Resistance


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