Star's End Playlist 12.26.99

"Star's End" 1-6AM SatNight/SunMorning  Playlist for December 26th, 1999
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

* Year End Wrap-Up  Part One - Significant Releases of 1999 *

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (label)

Redshift                Protoland               Downtime (champagne lake)
Deborah Martin          One Sun         Deep Roots Hidden Water (spotted peccary
Vidna Obmana/J Pearce   Opening Theme           True Stories (mirage)
Richard Bone            Calenture               Ether Dome (hypnos)
David Parsons           Urartu to Ubud          Ngaio Gamelan (celestial harmonies)
Arcane                  Time Will Run Back      Gather Darkness (neu harmony)
Meg Bowles              Strange Rapids          From The Dark Earth (kumatone)
Coyote Oldman           In Warm Velvet Darkness House Made of Dawn (h o s)
David Helpling          All Things End  SleepingOnTheEdgeOfTheWorld(spottedpecca
Ashera                  Temple Ritual           Cobalt 144
Kevin Keller            Convergence             Pendulum (lektronic soundscapes)

Steve Roach             The Reflecting Chamber  Light Fantastic (fathom)
A Produce/M Griffin     Diffusion               Altara (hypnos)
Patchwork               Meadow                  Patchwork (quantum)
Lobe                    Bini                    Hibernation (swim)
Bill Laswell         Night Air & Low Frequency  Invisible Design (tatzadik)
Bjorn Fogelberg         Sixfiveoneoh            Karooshi Porn (nintysix sounds)
Dave Fulton             tracks 9 - 11           Hard Particles (eurock)

Stone Idols             Absence & Influence     Reversion (champagne lake)
Broekhius/Keller/Schonwalder  -  Slowmotion     The Anaazaal Tapes (manikin)
Viridian Sun            Ion Or                  Perihelion (hypnos)
Liquid Zen              Forever Infinity        Liquid Zen (waveform)
Deuter                  Temple of Silence       Garden of The Gods (new earth)
Mark Hunton       Mysteries of the Mountains    Annapurna (spotted peccary)
Laocoon                 Mist                    Immersion (parnassus nump)
Ian Boddy/Markus Reuter tracks 2 - 3            Distant Rituals (din)

Vidna Obmana/Alio Die   Echoes of Light         Echo Passage (music magnetica maxima)
Star's of the Lid       Dust Breeding           Avec Laudenum (subrosa)
Tear Ceremony           Laudenum                Emulsion (simulacra)
Biosphere/Deatpod       Traspargenza        Nordheim Transformed (rune grammofon)
Labradford              track 4                 E Luxo So (kranky)
Ernesto Diaz-Infante    track 9                 Ucross Journal (pax)
David Key               First Whale             Whale Watch (neoga)
Five Thousand Spirits   track 4             Mesmeric Revelation (crowd control activities)
J Plotkin/B Gutzeit     Mosquito Dream          Mosquito Dream (kranky)
Nick Parkin             Spores                  Island of Dust (soleilmoon)

Robert Rich             part 8                  Inner Landscapes (hypnos)
Spacecraft              Beyond             Earthtime Tapestry (lektronic soundsacpes)
The Tunnel Singer       St Elmo's Promise       Water Birth (tunnel singer)
James Johnson           Remeberance             Surrender (zero)
Jalan Jalan    Firefly Sanctuary.Selamat Tidur  Bali (pacific moon)
Uakti                   Metamorphasis           Aqua Da Amozonia (point)
Synthetic Block         Trylon             The Opposite of Staring Into Space (ironing board)
Daniel Blanchet         Viking 2                Starsailing (philips)


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