Artist: Broekhuis Keller & Schonwalder
Album: Red

Released: 10 February 2012
Label: Manikin

Red Broekhuis Keller & Schonwalder
Something of a super-group, Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder has the ability to morph into any number of musical contexts while retaining the signatures of their own unique sound. Responsible for producing a great number of albums and concerts, both solo and in various collaborative combinations, works by BK&S occupy amorphous ambient space just as easily as it energizes the listener with its prog-rock inspired themes or classically tinged digital chamber music. As a trio they forge their own identity through lithe, tautly energetic performances - musician and audience immersed in the same musical sphere. Their mysterious electrically charged process may be found on the CD Red (67'16"). The dance of notes up, down and through the scale is matched by a complexity of texture. Beyond the impression of cloudy ethereality chugging rhythms move confidently through old and new worlds. The excellent drumming that propels most of Red is forceful enough for the keyboard players to lean into each piece, but not so much as to break the spacemusic spell. The constantly shifting pulse builds larger cycles from smaller ones, as the musical current of each of Red's three lengthy pieces evolves beneath vibrant wisps of sound. Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder are contemporary artists responding to the call of their predecessors. While much of synthesizer music is based on the idea of aimless aural exploration, the point of this journey is to discover the destination. On Red we hear Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder getting closer.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   9 May 2012

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